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The American future is much much smaller

Cover Image for The American future is much much smaller

We cannot continue to live the same way we have been over the last century. The world is heating up, climate catastrophes are growing in number and deadliness, housing is extremely unaffordable and storage units are one of the fastest growing industries. Add to that that by 2050 we are set to grow from 55% to 68% of the world population living in cities. That will be about 7 billion people.

There are many solutions needed to be able to handle this including we can, reduce zoning, add better public transport, but one of our major problems is just how much we own. We need to learn to live with less. Living with less means less cars, rooms, smaller closets and getting familiar with a sharing or renting economy. Renting is going to grow larger and larger, mark my words, people will not have the space in their living spaces for bicycles and huge closets with dresses and suits you wear once a year.

Americans need to get familiar with this now, it is depressing how much as a nation the individual consumes. 90% of self storage inventory are in America, 1/5 of renters have a self storage unit, 92% of households have at least one car. Have you ever considered how often you are not using your car? 99% (not a real statistic) of a cars life is sitting parked doing nothing but taking up space.

Americans consume so much we don’t even have enough space in our homes for all our stuff. Reduce your consumption, reduce your bills and try living with freedom, because everything you own, owns you a little. Everything you buy takes mental space, it needs maintenance, cleaning and energy. The less you own and consume the more space you can have in your life for the things you love. Try it out, we sold our cars and love it. Living in America means that the Uber budgets has to go up but its nothing compared to maintenance, insurance and gas. We all need to cut back on our habits and conditioned behavior but making small reductions can benefit all of us.