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Statistically who is the average man and woman in the U.S. in 2024

Cover Image for Statistically who is the average man and woman in the U.S. in 2024

Ever wondered where you stand out or fall behind. Are you average, beyond average or below. In the U.S. you might be surprised to hear the averages across the board. So many people wish for a million dollars, a boyfriend who is 6 feet tall and makes 200k but the thing is, these are rare.

Only 18% of households in the U.S. have a net worth of a million dollars or more. Considering 14.5% of men in the U.S. are 6 feet or taller and 8% make $200k or more that leaves just over 1% of the population matching these characteristics.

The point isn’t to say this is not impossible but to say if you do not match these standards you are not alone. You are of the 99% of men in the U.S. who do not match these standards.

Quick note on average vs median. Median is the number in the middle. It is less sensitive to outliers and extreme values and so makes for a better example for finding the average in these situations. For example, when it comes to net worth, the average can be skewed by the fact that someone can be a billionaire. Rising the level to extreme values that are not a good guide for the group.

Let’s dive in, who is the average man and woman in the U.S.

The average woman in the U.S

  • Makes $40,000 annually
  • Has a net worth of $88,000
  • Is 5ft 4inches tall
  • 38 years old
  • 1-2 kids
  • Completed high school with 33% getting a bachelors degree
  • Drinks 7.8 alcoholic drinks a week
  • Lives to 81 years old
  • Spends 4 hours on her phone a day

The average man in the U.S.

  • Makes $50,000 annually
  • Has a net worth of $121,700
  • Is 5ft 9inches tall
  • 37 years old
  • 1-2 kids
  • Completed high school with 32% getting a bachelors degree
  • Drinks 17.5 alcoholic drinks a week
  • Lives to 76 years old
  • Spends 4 hours on his phone a day

For me, what is surprising here is the difference in alcoholic drinks consumed a week and the time spent on your phone.

Men are drinking more than double of the alcoholic drinks than woman a week.

We are all spending 4 hours a day on our phone which is 16.6% of our day. I mean if we assume we sleep 8 hours a day that is 25% of our waking day staring at a phone screen.

All of this is to say, America is a big country and probably not many of us fit this average. It is interesting to look at though as a way to understand that the median American.