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Networth in Different Countries

Approximate median networth of people across a range of countries. Using the current currency exchange (08/2024) of 1 euro = 1.10 dollars, 1 sterling pound = 1.27 dollars. It's interesting to see across a range of first world countries how people are doing. While the U.S.A is often considered the richest country in the world you can quickly see that compared to others the median is not so high. This comes down to a number of factors including, cost of living, the wealth gap and amount of people in poverty. They are also a much bigger country with large financial dispersion across the country. Meaning it is much cheaper and requires less money to live in Idaho than in New York City.

Canada, Netherlands, and England take the top spots. England may be the most surprising in this group considering there wages on average are much lower. In our article about the average U.S. men and women and average U.K. man and woman we discovered the average U.S women and man make $40,000 and $50,000 annually while the average U.K. woman and man make £26,000 and £31,000 annually. Cost of living is lower and they get more goverment services such as healthcare which helps with finances. An interesting comparison to see how others in the world are doing at this moment in time.

Median Networth of Households in Different Countries